Week 13: Jokes: Playlist

Here’s your weekly audio-inspiration. This time we have some Bob Dylan, The Smiths, Elvis Costello, and Barbra Streisand. Looking forward to seeing what sort of jokes are anchoring your stories this week.

No. 12: Addy: Playlist

To accompany this week’s special prompt, a playlist that is a little special itself. I tried to find songs to match scenes. I think I did a decent job of it but if you have a song you want to add, just leave your suggestion in the comments.

On this list we have some Paul Simon, Roy Orbison, Ra Ra Riot, Superchunk, and many, many more. 21 songs to get you cranking on your story. Enjoy!

No. 11: Childhood Wonder: Playlist

And here is this week’s playlist. With songs of magic and mystery from The Monkees, The Loving Spoonful, Santigold, The Magnetic Fields among many others. 20 tracks to get you writing your very short story.

Playlist No. 5

This week’s playlist for the prompt “lunar eclipse” is now ready for listening.
I threw in some blue moon, super moon, and blood moon songs for good measure because I can only tolerate so many new agey eclipse instrumental songs.
This week we have some Pink Floyd, The Hives, Elvis, Stereolab, Beck, Chet Baker, among others, brought together so you can write some amazing stories (by Thursday).
Happy listening!

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